This phenomenon has been well described by Cory Doctorow, under the term enshittification. Look it up

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Indeed, a piece he wrote was linked to in what I wrote.

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Sep 15Liked by Michael Rand

I have toyed with the idea of going back to a flip phone and iPod circa 2007 so much in recent years to get away from social media. I modded out my iPod over COVID with a flash drive and bigger battery and it still works, so that’s half of the equation.

Social media is a time suck and I worry about eventually letting my daughter on there. She’s still officially too young to join any of the platforms, though she watches YouTube videos and plays Roblox a lot. The dopamine rush of a new post or someone liking something you wrote keeps you coming back. It’s hard to navigate that as a parent when you’re guilty of the same things.

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